Friday, October 20, 2017

Project Proposal

            For my project, I wish to take an existing project I had done involving a poem analysis and expand upon that analysis in a way that might help guide people in their own poetry analysis. My first project was simply a Word document, done in Dr. White’s Intro to English Studies course that analyzed the poem “After Death” by Christina Rosetti. I looked at each quatrain in the poem and broke it down in an analytical way by relating meaning while looking at poetic elements as form, rhyme, meter, word sounds, and connotative devices. While the paper itself could use revision to expand upon some of these elements, I wanted to find a way to connect these elements in a more meaningful way that will create a deeper understanding not only for the poem, but for the poetic elements as well.
            I wish to create hyperlinks when I point to an element, such as personification or alliteration for example, that will bring the reader to a definition of the element they are reading about. I also want to offer a few audio examples of readings of the poem. I want to do a first reading, and then a second reading that creates an effect of the poetic elements put into use. A few classmates suggested a way to do a pop-up box of how to show certain elements in a closer reading of the poem as well, to compare an initial reading to a closer reading. When it comes to tools or software to use in this project, I am at a loss. I cannot complete my vision of how I want this project to be in digital form, because I have never used programs to implement anything digital in form. I have never seen any examples to base my vison from.  

When I was doing the initial analysis myself, I wanted to research the poem, or examples of other poems that contributed a reading as well, since the reading of the poem is key in understanding the different elements. I had found very little that involved readings of poems. I believe my bigger picture is to be able to offer more information within my original text to further the reader’s learning not only of the poem I have chosen, but for a deeper understanding of poetic elements all together. I would like to meet with Dr. White with my original project and see if she can edit what I have and suggest any added resources or research I can do to make the project substantial in digital form. 

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Final Bibliography

ardner, Janet E. Writing about Literature: A Portable Guide. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2009. Print. Pope, Rob. Studying English Literat...