Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Ashley Zizich
November 6, 2017
Bibliography and Update

            I had a meeting with Dr. White to go over the content of my project. I presented her with my essay on the poem, After Death by Christina Rosetti, and the essay I did on the analysis of how to use New Critical Theory to do a close reading of the poem. We went over the structure of the essay and figured out how to rework the essay in terms of rearranging the content to make more sense of structure. With the organization of the essay, we talked about how to take poetic elements and arrange them from least important to most important. I orgionaly broke the essay down in terms of flowing the poem in order, so my poetic elements were kind of all over the place.  So, I will be breaking the essay down by rhythm of the poem, and imagery of the poem, and using the elements instead of the flow of the poem.
 We decided that an explanation of New Critical Theory and a history of the theory would be vital to show the how and why behind why New Critical Theory is so important to do a close reading of a piece. Also, the fact that the poem is a Petrarchan Sonnet, I will need some information about that type of sonnet and its form, and how it works.
            I showed her the pieces I had breaking down the poetic elements and explained how I want to utilize these to show how to do a close reading of the text. We talked about incorporating a slide or picture of how to show breaking the poem down in finding the meter, the rhyme, the end rhymes, the ceasuras, and so on. We also used the guidelines for “Understanding the Text”, a handout she had given me in her Intro to English Studies course. Using this form will help in breaking down the text to show how to do a close reading of the poem.


Gardner, Janet E. Writing about Literature: A Portable Guide. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins,   
 2009. Print

Pope, Rob. Studying English Literature and Language: An Introduction and Companion. New
            York: Routledge, 2012. Print.

Purdue OWL: Literal Theory

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Final Bibliography

ardner, Janet E. Writing about Literature: A Portable Guide. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2009. Print. Pope, Rob. Studying English Literat...