Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Technology is everywhere. I do not think there is not an aspect of my everyday life that does not involve technology of some sort. Even in my education; research and writing involves the help of technology. While reading a text that I do not necessarily understand, I look to the internet for articles to allow for deeper meaning. The computer and use of the internet, though is merely a tool I use to allow for the deeper understanding. In the article Accessing Humanities Research in a Digital Environment, the focus stems from authors publishing their scholarly research to make impact and give knowledge to others. I believe that attention needs to be brought forward that allows people to understand what Digital Humanities is, but there also needs to be equal discussion for people to understand that digital means are merely a tool. It takes human interpretation to arrive at a sound decision. I am not saying Digital Humanities is not important, because I know technology will be ever-growing and relevant. While there is a decline of the importance of literature, I feel it is of importance to rely on written text first and foremost. Digital means should merely be tools by which students and scholars use to find the deeper meaning of the written text. The lack of funding in the article about UCLA struck me as to why a prestigious university would not understand the importance of humanities. I understand funding to be an issue, and a major issue at that, but by taking away core courses and forcing students to spend more money to take them over the summer is ridiculous. What college student will be willing to spend more money to take required courses outside of their normal semesters? That alone would be a cause of students not being totally invested in these “extra” courses. While I understand budget issues come into play, I do not understand why more extensions of lecture courses are not available. I just wonder where cost comes in above proper education in taking away courses in humanities and making them not easily accessible. 

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Final Bibliography

ardner, Janet E. Writing about Literature: A Portable Guide. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2009. Print. Pope, Rob. Studying English Literat...